


Focus on new productivity: Many central media pay attention to ZOE Intelligent Manufacturing


On March 18, "People's Daily" (overseas edition) and "Economic Daily" published news on Nanfeng Industrial's high-quality development. ZOE Energy Storage was reported by many central media as a new quality productivity case.

People's Daily Overseas Edition

In the article "Focus on China's Accelerating the Development of New Productivity (International Discussion)" on the 10th page of "People's Daily" (Overseas Edition) on March 18, ZOE Chu in Nanfeng County, Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province was used in a prominent position. The picture of energy storage batteries being assembled in an intelligent production workshop is accompanied by a description of the picture, showing the Nanfeng case of China accelerating the development of new productive forces at home and abroad.

economic daily

On March 18, the seventh page of "Economic Daily" published a picture of "Nanfeng continues to carry out the construction of '5G + Industrial Internet' digital workshops, intelligent production lines, and smart factories to promote the digitalization and intelligence of the manufacturing industry" using the case of ZOE Energy Storage.

News about the high-quality development of Nanfeng Industrial was published by two central mainstream media on the same day, indicating that Nanfeng Industrial’s transformation to high-end and intelligent transformation has been recognized and affirmed by the central media and used as a case to domestic External publicity and promotion, this also marks a new breakthrough in Nanfeng’s industrial development!

In recent years, Nan Fung has focused on industrial upgrading and insisted on leading industrial upgrading with technological innovation. Taking the "Industrial Innovation and Development Competition" as an opportunity, Nan Fung has clearly positioned itself to transform towards high-end, intelligent transformation, and green and low-carbon development, and has transformed and upgraded its business. Optimize existing stocks, attract investment accurately and increase increments, focus on cultivating the electronic information and green food industries, support the development of new energy and new materials, strengthen the high-end equipment manufacturing industry, and comprehensively promote the construction of a modern industrial system.

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