


Enlighten Project | Plant a Tree for the Earth, Light Up the Future, Light Up Hope


At the 12th International Energy Storage Summit & Exhibition, ZOE Energy Group organized the “Light Up Program” - “Plant a Tree for the Earth” public welfare activity, inviting the exhibition visitors to become “Green Guardians”, focusing on green energy and practicing sustainable development. The event invited the exhibition visitors to become “green guards”, pay attention to green energy, practice sustainable development, and build a green and zero-carbon future.

This activity demonstrated the active efforts of the Joyo Group in promoting the transformation of the global energy structure, not only enhanced the public's awareness of sustainable development, but also utilized the exhibition to show the latest achievements of ZOE in the innovation and application of green and intelligent energy to the outside world.

Green guardianship, no time to lose

Climate change is one of the most pressing environmental issues facing human society. Data from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) reveals that global greenhouse gas emissions have increased by more than 60% since the Industrial Revolution, and countries are actively exploring ways to shift to low-carbon development, including large-scale promotion of clean energy, enhancing energy efficiency and other measures to mitigate the direct impact of climate change.

According to professional calculations, each unit of renewable electricity consumed is equivalent to saving 305.5 grams of standard coal, 4 liters of water and 785 grams of carbon dioxide emissions. The event attracted more than 2,500 visitors. Each participant signed his/her name on the energy leaves symbolizing the green commitment, which gradually converged into a vibrant tree.

About Project Light Up

The “Light Up Program” is a public welfare program of the ZOE Group to practice sustainable development, carrying the commitment and expectation on energy transformation and social promotion. The word “Light Up” not only signifies that ZOE is committed to spreading clean electricity to every corner of the world, but also symbolizes lighting up people's aspirations for a sustainable future.

We hope that the “Light Up Program” will inspire all those who are committed to sustainable development to build a green future and light up the light of hope together.

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