


Breaking News! State-owned Enterprise Giants Join Hands with ZOE Energy Storage to Explore the New Future of Energy Storage and Sign a 5GWh Strategic Cooperation Agreement


From March 28th to 30th, 2023, the China International Clean Energy Expo 2023 was grandly held in Beijing. Shanghai ZOE Energy Storage Technology Co., Ltd. was invited to participate and held the "Lighting Up the Future: Born for Storage – ZOE Energy Storage New Product Launch 2023". The two products, Z BOX-H designed for mountainous regions and Z BOX-C for urban environments, made their debut, shining brilliantly and garnering immense attention and appreciation from industry leaders, experts, and the general public.

At the launch, leaders from national power industry-leading enterprises (central SOEs, state-owned enterprises) visited ZOE Energy Storage's booth for guidance. The visiting dignitaries included Liu Wei, Deputy General Manager of Guohua Investment and Secretary-General of the China Hydrogen Energy Alliance; Chunyong Shen, Deputy General Manager of China Power Construction New Energy Group; Jingui Peng, Executive Director and Deputy General Manager of CGGC; and Wei Zhao, Deputy Party Secretary and General Manager of Shenergy Co., Ltd. ZOE's Chairman, Huang Jun, accompanied them, introducing how the products solve project pain points and their adaptability to local conditions. They engaged in comprehensive and in-depth discussions surrounding centralized and distributed photovoltaic storage integration projects' investments, energy storage product procurement, equity investments, and more. A consensus was reached, and a strategic cooperation agreement totaling 5GWh of energy storage orders was jointly signed.

Photo 1: In-depth conversation between Chairman Jason Huang of ZOE and Deputy General Manager and Secretary-General of the China Hydrogen Energy Alliance from Guohua Investment, Wei Liu.

Photo 2: ZOE successfully signs a strategic cooperation agreement with Guohua Investment.

Photo 3: A commemorative photo celebrating the successful signing of a strategic cooperation agreement between ZOE and China Power Construction New Energy Group.

Photo 4: A commemorative photo celebrating the successful signing of a strategic cooperation agreement between ZOE and CGGC.

Photo 5: A commemorative photo celebrating the successful signing of a strategic cooperation agreement between ZOE and Shenergy Co., Ltd.

Building a new power system with renewable energy as the primary source has become a global consensus, and energy storage will become an indispensable technology combination. In the future, Shanghai ZOE Energy Storage will also launch energy storage products with more application scenarios, better technical performance, and enhanced safety to meet the needs of source grid-side, commercial and industrial, and household users. Let us light up the future together, "Born for Storage"!

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